Pay It Forward
Its not often that a book or movie can change the way you look and feel about the people in this world (or any other for that matter). After watching the Warner flick "Pay it forward" on DVD a few months ago, the idea of paying it forward has been gnawing away at my subconscience, nibbling at the Freudian recesses of manifest guilt and pushing the simple notion of "Have nice day - I really mean it - no strings attached - no mushy stuff - I'm being selfish here - take it to make me feel better - taking that notion and paying it forward. And then doing it again and again - like trying to start the wave going at a sporting event - eventually it catches and spreads like wildfire. I have since read the book, not a light read and not meant for younger readers. This author has (admittedly unintentionally) started something real. There are the Pay It Forward Movement and the Pay It Forward Foundation sites, both worth a visit.
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